ГуманитариЙ актуальные проблемы гуманитарной науки и образования
Russian Journal of the Humanities
ISSN 2078-9823 (Print)
ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)
Dmitry E. Frolov
National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia
A MORDOVIAN LOMONOSOV, OR AT THE ORIGINS OF HISTORICAL STUDIES IN MORDOVIA (Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of birth of Mikhail V. Dorozhkin) Biographical Sketch Research: Party and Administration Activities
The second anniversary article dedicated to Mikhail Dorozhkin opens on introductory data. Presented here is general information about the scholar (partially given in the first half of the Key words). Titles of the five sections of the first article are specified (from his childhood till the beginning of his career). The main part proceeds with presentation of biographic chronology of important stages and events of the life of Mikhail Dorozhkin (from his mobilization job during the War till the period of his job of government minister). To ensure adequate understanding of his personal life background interrelated with historical events, the author uses his method of chronotropic reconstruction of life situations. The main part of the article includes seven sections: 1) Beginning of the Great Patriotic War and Attempts to Volunteer for the Front Line; 2) Evacuation of the Teachers’ College to a Remote District of Mordovia; 3) Heroiс Exploit of Students of the Teachers’ Training College of Mordovia Being the Legendary Podolsk Cadets during the Battle of Moscow in 1941; 4) Managing the Sarov Tradesman School in 1941; 5) Patriotic and Mobilization Activities During the War Years; 6) Studies at the Higher Party School in Moscow and Preliminary Diplomatic Job Placement for Overseas Employment; 7) Return to Saransk upon Request of the Mordovia Government and Job of Minister of Education. Enclosed are photos from the Dorozhkins’ family archive.
Keywords: initiator of historiographical studies, history of Mordovia, Mastorava: Mordovian popular epic, scientific activities, party and administration activities, local human resources, chronotropic reconstruction of life situations, analogy to the life of M. V. Lomonosov.
© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017
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