ISSN 2078-9823

The journal was set up in 2000

Certificate of registration PI № FS77-48743 of February 28, 2012





Certificate of registration

A new journal number

«Humanitarian» (2024y. №68)


The scholarly journal «Humanitarian: actual problems of the humanities and education»


The editorial board of the scholarly journal «Russian Journal of the Humanities» invites you to publish in the journal.

Founders / Publishers:

Ogarev Mordovia State University (68, Bolshevistskaya St., 430005, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia)

LLC «InStItute» (Publishing Center of History and Sociology Institute of Ogarev Mordovia State University) (19, Bakhtin St., 430905, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia)

Published since June, 2000

Publication frequency: since 2000 – once a year, since 2010 – quarterly.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for supervision of communications, information technology, and mass media (certificate of registration PI № FS77-48743 of February 28, 2012)

ISSN 2078-9823

Subscription index in catalog of agency «Russian Press» – 43072

The journal «Russian Journal of the Humanities» is listed in the catalogue of peer-reviewed academic journals and publications for publishing of principal scientific findings of dissertations (

The journal is indexed and archived by:

Russian Science Citation Index (sublicense contract № 143-07/2010 19.07.2010 )

Ulrich’s Periodical directory database of the American Publishing House «Bowker»

Open access to the archive of articles is available on the journal's website ( and on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU (

The peer reviewed branches of the journal:

5.3. Psychology

  • 5.3.1. General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology (Psychological sciences)

5.6. Historical sciences

  • 5.6.1. Russian history (Historical sciences)
  • 5.6.2. General history (Historical sciences)

5.7. Philosophy

  • 5.7.7. Social and political philosophy (Philosophical sciences)
  • 5.7.8. Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture (Philosophical sciences)

The territory of the distribution of the magazine: Russian Federation, foreign countries

The fee for the publication of manuscripts in the journal is not charged. Fees to authors of peer-reviewed articles are not paid. Accelerated terms of publication of articles are not provided.




About the journal

© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017

68, Of. 411, Bolshevistskaya St., 430005, The editorial office of the scholarly journal «Russian Journal of the Humanities»

Tel.: (8342) 24-25-90; 27-07-11, Fax: (8342) 24-25-90, E-mail:

Designed by A. Napalkov, Email: