ISSN 2078-9823

The journal was set up in 2000

Certificate of registration PI № FS77-48743 of February 28, 2012





Certificate of registration

A new journal number

«Humanitarian» (2024y. №68)


Editorial ethics of the journal


Editorial ethics of the journal is developed on the basis of the following documents:

– Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors – Committee on Publication Ethics.

– Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers

– Committee on Publication Ethics.

– Publishing Ethics, Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) – Elsevier.

– The Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers «Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications» adopted at the general meeting of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers held within the framework of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific Edition of the International Level – 2016: Solving the Problems of Publishing Ethics, Reviewing and Training Publications» (Moscow, May 20, 2016).

– The Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers «Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications».

In the process of publishing, the editorial board of the journal is governed by international copyright protection rules, the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and the international publishing standards. The editorial board does not allow for publication materials that are prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Researchers, authors, editors, reviewers and publishers have ethical obligations regarded to the publications and dissemination of scientific research results.

Interaction with the authors is based on the principles of justice, courtesy, objectivity, honesty and transparency.

Articles are evaluated according to the following criteria: originality, scientific relevance, relevance of selected research methods, interpretation of research results, bibliography.

Authors who provide their works for publication in the journal ensure that the articles are original (not previously published in other publications in their current form or with the same content), are not under consideration in editorial offices of other publications, and all possible conflicts of interests related to copyright and publication of the articles are settled.

The author is only a person who has largely participated in the writing of the work, in the development of its concept, in scientific design, material collection, analysis and interpretation; for publication the consent of all the authors is required. All co-authors must comply with these criteria.

The publication of an article under the author's name implies the appearance of copyright. The publication of a text that is not agreed with the author, as well as the inclusion of outsiders as co-authors, is a violation of copyright.

The duty of scientific editors is to prevent situations when authors, reviewers or other subjects involved in the production of scientific texts, behave unethically, as well as ensure the removal of unscrupulous publications from the scientific space, cooperate with the Ethics Council and scientific associations.

The editors urge authors to disclose relationships with industrial and financial organizations that can lead to conflict of interests. All sources of funding should be indicated by the authors in the articles. If the article was prepared as part of a research funded by an organization, the authors give the appropriate reference and indicate the source of funding.

Submission of an article to the editorial office of the journal means the consent of the authors to the stated rules and consent to the placement of the full version of the article on the Internet on the official site of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU, on the journal's website in free access, and using personal data in the open press.










Editorial ethics of the journal

© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017

68, Of. 411, Bolshevistskaya St., 430005, The editorial office of the scholarly journal «Russian Journal of the Humanities»

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