ISSN 2078-9823

The journal was set up in 2000

Certificate of registration PI № FS77-48743 of February 28, 2012





Certificate of registration

A new journal number

«Humanitarian» (2024y. №68)




Required elements of the article

– The classification index of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)

– The article title (in Russian and English)

– Initials and surnames of authors

– Name of organization, city, country, email address

– Abstract (in Russian and English)

– Keywords (in Russian and English)

– Acknowledgments: (in Russian and English) (if it presents)

– Article text

– Bibliography

1. In the upper-left corner the classification index of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is indicated.

2. The authors' initials and surnames (alignment to the left); organization, city, country and e-mail are indicated.

3. Article’s title (reflecting the content of the article) (alignment in the center, capital letters)

4. Abstract of the article – 150–250 words (alignment on the width of the page). It should contain the relevance of a research topic, problem statement, research objectives, research methods, results and key findings.

5. Keywords (no more than 15 words and phrases, they should reflect the specifics of the topic).

Translation of relevant data into English

The title of an article (translation into English without abbreviations and transliteration, except for proper names, this also applies to annotations and keywords);

surname and initials of the author(s) (only transliteration according to the system of the Library of Congress of the United States (LC) in the program (;

the full name of the organization (in the case of translation into English, the form of ownership is not indicated, the abbreviations are not allowed, the full name of the organization and departmental belonging are given in the form in which their profile is identified in the SCOPUS database);

abstract – translation into English;

keywords (translation into English, abbreviations are not allowed).

Note: when translating text into English, it is undesirable to use online translators because they do not provide high quality of translation

6. Article structure. An article should be structured in the IMRAD format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion):

– Introduction includes the relevance of the research topic, a review of the literature on  the research topic, setting up the research problem, formulating the goal and objectives of the study;

– Materials and Methods – describe methods and the scheme of observations, allowing to reproduce their results using the text of the article. The materials and other conditions for conducting observations are described (this is a description of  the research methodology and the rationale for its selection);

– Results present the actual findings obtained during the conducted studies (test, graphs, diagrams, equations, photographs, drawings);

– Discussion contains the interpretation of the obtained research results, their analysis and comments;

– Conclusion consists of a concise summary of the sections of the article without repeating the formulations given in them.

Text of an article is of 10–15 typewritten pages of A4 format, including figures, tables and graphs. Text should be formatted in Word for Windows format or RTF&DOC; Times New Roman font, font size 14, single interval. The number of drawings is not more than 4. Figure captions are performed the 12th a size in Russian and English. Drawings are represented separately in the jpeg. format. Tables are typed the 12th a size in Russian and English. If drawings and tables are not original they must be referenced necessarily.

7. Acknowledgments: the author expresses gratitude to the colleagues for their help; thanks for the financial support of the study, etc.

8. The bibliographic list is compiled in alphabetical order in Russian and in English (trans-literation) languages in accordance with State standard 7.0.9-2009 with indication of the required information of the bibliographic description. In text footnotes are made in square brackets (See sample of typography). First of all it is necessary to refer to the original sources from scholarly journals and monographs included in the global citation indices. It is advisable to use 20–30 sources, of which at least 10 in recent years (since 2010), and foreign sources at least 3-5.

ATTENTION: it is undesirable to refer to educational and methodical literature.

9. Affiliation of authors is presented both in Russian and English: full name, last name, academic degree, title, position, field of research interests, number of scientific publications, necessarily – ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), contact information.

10. Page fields: top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm.

Text of the article is submitted on paper and electronic storage medium.

The file requirements:

1. As the file name should be used the name of the first author in Russian (for example: Ivanov.doc).

2. The file names of illustrations should coincide with their numbers in the text (for example: Drawing 1.jpeg).

3. An electronic version of the article and drawings editors accept in any medium.

Returning of a manuscript to an author for revision does not mean that it is accepted for publication. After receiving the revised text it shall be reviewed by the editorial board. The revised text of the author returns to the editorial office together with the original copy of the article, as well as responses to all comments. Date of receipt of the article is the day of getting by the editorial office of the final version of the article.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to select articles for publication.

Algorithm for the preparation of Russian-language bibliographic References

1. Process the whole text of the bibliographic references in the program ( according to the system of the Library of Congress of the USA (LC).

2. Copy the transliterated text in References.

3. Convert a transliterated reference:

after the transliterated title of the source, translate it into English in parentheses;

if reference is made to a monographic publication give after point output data formatted according to: Place of publication: Name of publisher; Date of publication without abbreviations;

if the reference is given to an article from a periodical edition, preserve its transliterated name, give the English-language title of the publication after the equals sign, then indicate the year, number and page of the article in the format: Year, Number, Pages (from–to).

specify the country at the end of the link in parentheses (In Russ.).













Requirements for registration of articles

© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017

68, Of. 411, Bolshevistskaya St., 430005, The editorial office of the scholarly journal «Russian Journal of the Humanities»

Tel.: (8342) 24-25-90; 27-07-11, Fax: (8342) 24-25-90, E-mail:

Designed by A. Napalkov, Email: