ГуманитариЙ актуальные проблемы гуманитарной науки и образования
Russian Journal of the Humanities
ISSN 2078-9823 (Print)
ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)
УДК 930.2:140.1
DOI: 10.15507/2078-9823.040.017.201704.009-020
N. I. Izergina
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia, е-mail: ninaini@yandex.ru
ORCID: http://orcid.org 0000-0002-7133-8469
V. P. Izergina
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia, е-mail: vera.ivp@yandex.ru.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5142-7018
The relevance of the research is the methodological value of liberal-conservative thought of Ivan Ilyin (1883–1954), allowing to comprehend the realities of world and Russian life, to find criteria of current transformations, to understand the personal contribution of each person in the construction of the democracy quality in Russia. It is increased attention to the problem of consolidation of Russian society, the necessity of forming a consolidating ideology on the basis of conservatism. Historical memory plays an important role in the consolidation of society and achievement of consensus about the memory of the past, including about the Russian revolution of 1917, which philosopher researched all his life. The political-philosophical analysis of the philosopher has the methodological possibilities to research the problem of the Russian revolution for consider contemporary social processes.
Research purpose is the system analysis of the Russian revolution of 1917 in the political and philosophical works of I. A. Ilyin in the present context.
We used the works of I. A. Ilyin, as well as the published materials on the stated issues. We applied historical, religious and philosophical approaches, analysis of documents to identify the views of Ivan Ilyin on the essence of the Russian revolution of 1917 and their methodological value in the context of modernity, which is not free from risks revolutionary.
The following conclusions of the philosopher about the Russian revolution have the methodological importance for the understanding of revolutions of the XXI century. The essence of the revolution is the spiritual content, including the degradation of legal awareness, political and economic life, soul and creativity. The Russian revolution of 1917 is an epoch in world history, a crisis of the general global atmosphere. It was given rise by a complex of external (the crisis of religion, legal awareness, idea of ownership) and internal (the state weakness of the intelligentsia, religious poor development of the national character, economic backwardness, disorder of the Russian peasantry) reasons. The Russian revolution arose from the loss organic national traditions by people. Therefore, the creation of Russian democracy implies the restoration of national cultural traditions, realizing the best and the sacred foundations of life of the people, by which they create the national spiritual culture.
Keywords: I. A. Ilyin, the world revolution, the Russian revolution, the causes of the Russian revolution, the nature of the revolution, the Soviet-Communist system, the revolution of the XXI century.
For citation: Izergina N. I., Izergina V. P. I. A.Ilyin: Political and Philosophical View to the Russian Revolution of 1917. Gumanitarian : aktual’nye problemy gumanitarnoi nauki i obrazovaniia = Humanitarian : actual problems of the humanities and education. 2017. 17. No. 4. Р. 9–20.
© МГУ им. Н.П. Огарева. Историко-социологический институт, 2017.
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