ГуманитариЙ актуальные проблемы гуманитарной науки и образования
Russian Journal of the Humanities
ISSN 2078-9823 (Print)
ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)
УДК 94.324«1934/1935»(470.345)
DOI: 10.15507/2078-9823.040.017.201704.021-029
N. M. Ergina
Municipal general education institution «Center of Education «Tavla» School No. 17», Saransk, Russia, e-mail: natalya_ergina@mail.ru
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9267-3995.
The article discusses the features of the election campaign of 1934-1935. At that time City and Rural Soviets elections were of great importance in political terms, to decisively isolate the kulaks in rural areas. In this regard, the article shows the attitude of local authorities to the electoral documentation (instructions on the election to the boards, the instructions for reporting on elections to the councils, and others official documents). The author identifies problems with which the authorities of village councils of Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic encountered in the process of preparing and carrying out re-election campaign (breakdowns report and re-election meetings, attempts to participate in the election of persons deprived of their voting rights, absenteeism and others.). The author specifies the reasons for the cancellation of the election results and the dissolution of the village election committees in a number of villages. The results of the election of chairmen of village councils of the Mordovian region are analyzed. Furthermore, quantitative data of the newly elected heads of village councils Mordovian region specified their gender, age, nationality, social status, party membership. The reasons for removal of the chairmen of village councils to the specified positions on MASSR areas are noted, as well as quantitative data.
Keywords: election campaign, the chairmen of village councils, election results, election guide, reporting and re-election meetings, deprived of electoral rights, City and Rural Soviets, MASSR.
For citation: Ergina N. M. On the Election of Heads of Village Councils of MASSR in the Campaign for 1934–1935 years. Gumanitarian : aktual’nye problemy gumanitarnoi nauki i obrazovaniia = Humanitarian : actual problems of the humanities and education. 2017. 17. No. 4. Р. 21–29.
© МГУ им. Н.П. Огарева. Историко-социологический институт, 2017.
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