ГуманитариЙ актуальные проблемы гуманитарной науки и образования
Russian Journal of the Humanities
ISSN 2078-9823 (Print)
ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)
N. S. Savkin
National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia, e-mail: kafedranr@mail.ru
The article provides analysis of the socio-economic basis of social origins of autism in Russia and regions, the Russian province; it shows that passionarity and social autism as opposite statements not only have biological causes, but also the socio-economic.
It is noted that the regularities of decay of passionarity and the advent of social autism are not clear, not only during the war reduced the tension of passionarity, but sometimes it has been steadily falling during profound peace. At the same time it was found that the onset of social autism is in accordance with the complex collisions of ethnic history in relation to the socio-economic processes. The author emphasizes that autism – the phenomenon of psychological, medical and social. The latter is manifested as a lack of interest in current events, everything that is the purpose and sense of life, – to communicate with friends, family, hobbies. It is a voluntary social isolation, kind of social infantilism. It has both biological and social causes.
The latter stands as economic instability, lack of permanent employment, frustration in the future, the uncertainty in the social and class relations, the lack of social guarantees in the event of unforeseen life circumstances.
Most noticeably and painfully social autism manifests itself in remote places, in the regions in which there are, in turn, their own «hinterland». In the region of Mordovia situation in terms of the social symptoms of autism is heterogeneous, metaphorically speaking, has a «point» character: in municipalities where social, economic and infrastructure conditions are organized, local passionarity takes place.
Keywords: social autism, passionarity, ethnogenesis, vitality, the Russian hinterland, social guarantees, infantilism, an clinical autist, ethnicity, social apathy, optimism, stress, social needs, potential, social infrastructure.
© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017
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