ГуманитариЙ актуальные проблемы гуманитарной науки и образования
Russian Journal of the Humanities
ISSN 2078-9823 (Print)
ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)
УДК 323.37:316.466(470.345)
DOI: 10.15507/2078-9823.040.017.201704.030-042
A. P. Soldatkin
Kovylkino branch of Ogarev Mordovia State University, Kovylkino, Russia, e-mail: ans1969@rambler.ru
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4133-4448.
The article analyzes the causes and process of rotation of officials at all levels of government of the Mordovia Republic of the Stalinist period, which was one of the determining factors of the general evolution of mechanism of power.
At the regional level the power personalizing in the figures of certain officials had been very unstable due to the high level of their rotation. The collectivization of agriculture caused a shaft of wrongdoings by concrete doers which was typical of their mentality. Taking steps to reduce staff turnover, in the form of a prohibition on removal without the approval of higher authorities, personal accounting employees, prosecute the perpetrators, has not stabilized the situation. Attempts to prepare new employees from the activists demanded time and also not give a fast result. The repressions of the late 1930s, the war prolonged this trend.
Only at the beginning of the 1950s the germs of staff stability were recorded, although the number of offenses, embezzlement and theft does not become fundamentally less. The staff was adapted to the extremely rigid conditions of existence. Officials began actively to form a loyal entourage, which can be regarded as the beginning of the folding patron–client relations. The monopoly of Supreme power for the rotation of regional bureaucracy appeared the first signs of corrosion, so the idea of super-cruelty of Stalinist regime requires to be correlated. In the postwar period, it clearly could not cope with all the increasing trends of «becoming nobility» of local elites.
Keywords: bureaucracy, frames, mechanism of power, Mordovia, district Executive committees, rotation, village councils, turnover rate, officials
For citation: Soldatkin A. P. Rotation of Personnel Officials of Mordovia in the Period of Stalinism (1928–1953). Gumanitarian : aktual’nye problemy gumanitarnoi nauki i obrazovaniia = Humanitarian : actual problems of the humanities and education. 2017. 17. No. 4. Р. 30–42.
© МГУ им. Н.П. Огарева. Историко-социологический институт, 2017.
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