ГуманитариЙ актуальные проблемы гуманитарной науки и образования
Russian Journal of the Humanities
ISSN 2078-9823 (Print)
ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)
ISSN 2078-9823 (Print), ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)
DOI: 10.24412/2078-9823.068.024.202404.309-318
Alexander V. Martynenko1, Timofey D. Nadkin2, Elena Z. Grachova3
1, 2, 3 Mordovian State Pedagogical University (Saransk, Russia)
1 e-mail: arkanaddin@mail.ru
2 e-mail: ntd2006@yandex.ru
3 e-mail: p629@yandex.ru
On the Issue of Comparative Historical Analysis of Religious Extremism in the Context of the Civilizational Dichotomy “West – East”
Introduction. East and West, their civilizational mutual influence, correlation and place in world history – this is an extremely wide range of problems, which has been in the center of attention of historians and philosophers for more than one century. Since in the modern world similar economic and political mechanisms can be found in the states of both the Western and Afro-Asian regions, the dichotomy “West – East”, which goes back to the civilizational foundations of individual societies, today is rooted in the sphere of social life and spiritual tradition. This article is an attempt to analyze the phenomenon of religious extremist movements operating in the West and the East, their similarities and differences in organizational and doctrinal terms.
Materials and Methods. The article is based on individual works by domestic and foreign authors related to the problem of religious extremism. As a methodological concept of our study, we have chosen the civilizational approach, which focuses on the socio-cultural differences between the West and the East, which influenced the doctrinal features of pseudo-religious extremist organizations in the countries of Asia, Africa, North America and Western Europe.
Results. Social and cultural differences between the West, on the one hand, and Eastern civilizations, on the other, can be reduced to differences rooted in the nature of the connection “man (personality) – society”, in socio-psychological attitudes, in the nature of the dynamics of the socio-cultural system, in the value guidelines of public consciousness. This complex of deep socio-structural and cultural-ideological differences between Western and Eastern societies allows us to speak about the presence of isolated and largely alien types of social structure in relation to each other. In the absolute majority of religious systems, along with their high humanistic potential, which gave rise to the richest layer of human culture (Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Confucian, etc.), there have always been extreme interpretations, on the basis of which extremist and terrorist communities arose in different eras. Each of these communities invariably appeals to one or another religious tradition in their criminal acts, often positioning themselves as the only true followers of the faith. However, if Salafi extremists emphasize their commitment to the supposedly “true” Islamic tradition, then Western totalitarian sects base their teachings either on the denial of Christianity or on a post-modernist attitude toward its values and images.
Discussion and Conclusion. Unfortunately, at present, pseudo-religious extremism for our country is not only not removed from the agenda, but has also acquired a new alarming sound. Firstly, despite the obvious successes and victories of Russian security forces in the fight against the Salafi (Wahhabi) terrorist underground, this threat has once again declared itself in the form of bloody and brutal terrorist attacks in 2024 – in the Crocus City Hall near Moscow and in Dagestan. Secondly, a dangerous tendency has emerged to merge Salafi terrorism with the terrorism of the Ukrainian special services on the territory of the Russian Federation. The effectiveness of the fight of our state and our society against this social evil depends on many components and includes, along with military countermeasures, painstaking work (socially oriented, educational) of the state with Russian Muslims, that is, comprehensive state support for traditional Russian Islam.
Keywords: Western and Eastern civilizations, religious extremism, Salafis, Wahhabis, totalitarian sects.
Acknowledgments: The article was prepared within the framework of a grant for conducting research work in priority areas of scientific activity of partner universities in network interaction (Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. N. Ulyanov and Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M. E. Evseviev) on the topic «Religious extremism and its prevention: a comparative historical analysis in the context of “East – West”.
For citation: Martynenko A. V., Nadkin T. D., Grachova E. Z. On the Issue of Comparative Historical Analysis of Religious Extremism in the Context of the Civilizational Dichotomy “West – East”. Gumanitarian: aktual’nye problemy gumanitarnoi nauki i obrazovaniia = Russian Journal of the Humanities. 2024; 24(4): 309–319. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.24412/2078-9823.068.024.202404.309-318.
© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017
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