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«Humanitarian» (2024y. №68)

ISSN 2078-9823 (Print), ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)

DOI: 10.24412/2078-9823.068.024.202404.330-342

УДК 327,811.134.2

Svetlana V. Chertousova1, Anastasia M. Pogorelskaya2

1 National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia)

e-mail: pippi-langstrumpf@yandex.ru

2 National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia)

e-mail: pogorelskaya@mail.tsu.ru


 Social and Political Reasons for the Dissemination of “Cancel Culture” in the Rhetoric of Latin American Media



Introduction. Under recent political conflicts the research into manipulative media strategies is becoming urgent because they may reflect the attempts of informal control and influence in international relation complementing formal measures adopted by the states. The existing research concentrates on the cases of cancel culture displayed by the collective West because this phenomenon evolved there. The novelty of this article is the focus on Latin America. The latter is a rather homogenous and definitely localized Spanish-speaking region which makes it possible to research into the usage of specific linguistic methods in local social and political discourse. The research aim is to identify the specific features of politics and rhetoric in Latin American countries towards Russia under the large-scale anti-Russian sanctions since 2022.

Materials and Methods. This is interdisciplinary research that is based on both political-descriptive analysis and corpus and discourse analysis. The sources included media texts in Spanish as well as the UN data on the voting upon General Assembly resolutions by Latin American countries.

Results. The article considers the means of formal control used by Latin American countries in their foreign policy under current international situation. Using linguistic markers of “cancel culture” in Spanish media texts the authors highlighted the ways that are used to influence the potential recipient and realize this communicative strategy in Latin American discourse.

Discussion and Conclusion. Latin American countries rarely use formal tools of control in international relations, namely sanctions. In addition, they are not unanimous in evaluating Russian foreign policy. The media discourse in these countries towards Russian foreign policy is not unanimous either. Media of Venezuela and Colombia, for instance, use neutral terms describing Russian foreign policy while others employ such stylistic methods as expressive and stylistically colored vocabulary, deliberate distortion of facts, substitution of concepts and silence over certain facts. Taking into account the identified means of manipulative influence is necessary for the adequate interpretation of contemporary texts of newspapers and magazines by experts doing research into this geopolitical region.

Keywords: Latin America, foreign policy, newspaper and magazine discourse, language manipulation, cancel culture.

For citation: Chertousova S. V., Pogorelskaya A. M. Social and Political Reasons for the Dissemination of “Cancel Culture” in the Rhetoric of Latin American Media. Gumanitarian: aktual’nye problemy gumanitarnoi nauki i obrazovaniia = Russian Journal of the Humanities. 2024; 24(4): 330–342. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.24412/2078-9823.068.024.202404.330-342.


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© Ogarev Mordovia State University. History and Sociology Institute, 2017

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