ГуманитариЙ актуальные проблемы гуманитарной науки и образования
Russian Journal of the Humanities
ISSN 2078-9823 (Print)
ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)
ISSN 2078-9823 (Print), ISSN 2587-7879 (Online)
DOI: 10.15507/2078-9823.058.022.202202.128-139
УДК 94(571)
Viktoria V. Germizeeva
Omsk State Technical University (Omsk, Russia),
e-mail: vika-germ@mail.ru
Local Periodicals on Activities of Steppe Region Administrative Institutions in the beginning of the XX century
Introduction. Local periodical press of the beginning of the 20th century contains materials on the most diverse areas that allows to trace the attitude of the population to government bodies, to highlight topical issues of socio-economic and cultural development. The purpose of this article is to analyze the publications of newspapers that have informational significance in the study of the history of the administration of the Steppe Governor-General at the beginning of the XX century.
Materials and Methods. In the process of work, the main source was the local periodical press represented by the newspapers “Omsk Vestnik” (1909–1918) and “Omsk Telegraph” (1907–1917). In the course of the study, problem-chronological and comparative-historical methods were used, which made it possible to single out the main areas of activity of administrative institutions and examine them through the prism of materials from local periodicals.
Results. As a result of the analysis of the information potential of newspapers, the author has identified several main areas that are most fully represented in the press: the activities of the governors-general of the Steppe Territory, governors and branches of the regional government of the Akmola region to address issues relevant to the region, as well as coverage of events held by city authorities self-government.
Discussion and Conclusion. The local periodical press is an important historical source when studying the activities of the administrative institutions of the Steppe Territory, due to publications in the “Omsk Vestnik” and “Omsk Telegraph” newspapers, one can highlight current problems in the field of management, see the public reaction to a particular event with the participation of officials. The materials of periodicals in combination with official documentation stored in the archives make it possible to trace the activities of local authorities in more detail and show the effectiveness of the decisions made.
Keywords: Steppe Territory, Steppe General Governorship, local government, pre-revolutionary periodicals, Omsk.
For citation: Germizeeva V. V. Local Periodicals on Activities of Steppe Region Administrative Institutions in the beginning of the XX century. Gumanitarian: aktual’nye problemy gumanitarnoi nauki i obrazovaniia = Russian Journal of the Humanities. 2022; 22(2): 128–139. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.15507/2078-9823.058.022.202202.128-139.
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